These triangular tables are built out 6mm hot-rolled mild steel sheets. Not two tables will be the same due to the natural marbling patterns which form during the manufacturing process. Each module is an right-angled isosceles triangle. The table top measures 1175mm x 1175mm x 1660mm. These are supported on three triangular legs, which converge at a central point. The table can be arranged in a multitude of organisations and sizes dependent on the event or meeting.
The table appears different from every angle and new and interesting geometries appear as you move around the room.
One table by itself sits 4 people comfortably and is a great option for small spaces. The table top is finished in a epoxy clear varnish. Tables are made to order. Lead time 2 months. For Table Pricing, Please contact info@dua.ie
Project Type
Furniture Design
Dublin, Ireland
Completed 2016
Project Team
Darragh Breathnach
Photos by Aisling McCoy